How to access the website and its services?

Consultation of the site is open to all visitors, but to acquire the availability of images and to create one’s own selection of images (the "piano luminoso") must be registered. To register or login you need to select the "login" in the main menu present on all pages. The use of your account and character strictly personal, and the login credentials may not be used by a third person; in any case, the registered user is considered responsible for every action performed within the site that is traceable to his credentials.

How to order photos?

To acquire the availability of images through the site it is necessary to be holder of a user name and password: the posting of user name and password takes place through registration in the appropriate web page, called "new user". Registered users can order two types of reproductions: low resolution for private use, or high resolution for a publication. The request for photos at low resolution are managed automatically through the website, with payment via Paypal and subsequent downloads of the photos. To request high-resolution photos to be used for purposes other than those connected to a private use it will be needed instead, to fill out a form and resend it to the archive; you will receive then an acknowledgment for your request regards the availability taken into considertion the characteristics of the publication for which the request is made, the image, its purpose, the size and scope of the initiative.

How to search within the site?

The search can be simple or advanced. The field for the simple search is present on the top left in the home page and all pages; to access the advanced search just click the search button (by typing or less search terms), and the various options available to refine your search will be listed on the left . If a search has not given results some tips will appear for better tuning.

What are the galleries?

Among the entries in the main menu there are the "galleries": this is of some selected sets of photos related to topics and special events. In the galleries you can find already a selection of the best photos that relate to issues such as the most important pictorial cycles of the basilica, the most characteristic museum sections, the most valuable manuscripts, the most significant events that took place in the santuariale complex of the Basilica and the Sacred Convent.